Democratic candidate Ralph Northam recently had a speaking event with former President Obama. Obama was endorsing Northam for Governor of Virginia, but if Ralph Northam wants to influence the next generation of African Americans then he should go and speak at all these places in the area. As a campaign adviser I would give the candidate this advice.
As a Campaign Manager advisor I will have candidate Ralph Northam speak at the Old Dominion University and we will be handing out flyers and promoting it. The main topics we will speak on would be on the most recent tragic shooting done by Newport news police department and talking about enforcing gun control, education and health care. ODU football stadium will hold up to 19,818 potential democratic voters, the day of the speaking event will be on November 7th at 5pm to 7:30 pm. We will be targeting young adults because this is probably their first time voting and we are trying to get them to understand why they need to vote for candidate Ralph Northam. Health care, gun control, and education are for the people that are in need of these issues,and this would be the best things to work out and get settled down because we are trying to fix these economical problems and make sure all Virginians are safe and able to get medical help, able to go to college and have the cost cut to a fundable price, and to ensure heavy strict gun restrictions to make sure is it safer out in Virginia. Voting for Ralph Northam will make a difference in a lot of categories so that Virginia can be better in things we have trouble with. We are not going to force them to come but we would also like to invite victims families to come and join the event. The Democratic platform needs to speak directly to the core group of citizens in Virginia who are simply trying to make a better life for themselves and seek justice in a society that is still dealing with equity for all.