Who wrote this book and when?
Ta-Nehisi Coates and the book was published July 14,2015
Are you interested in reading it? Why?
I am very interested in reading this book because it explains a lot of what’s going on now days in our society. The author is a young father and he sees social history echoing in the streets today; the same things that I see happening in our world around racism and city life echo what the author saw growing up on the streets of Baltimore in the 1980s and 1990s. He says America built an empire on the idea of race, a falsehood that damages us but falls most heaviest on the bodies of black women and men bodies through slavery and segregation. In today’s world we are still threatened, locked up, and murdered for simply being black on the streets of inner cities. There is a social divide that still exists and we need to understand that many are still left out of the American dream.
Does it seem like a book teachers and employers would benefit from? explain.
Yes I believe this book would give teachers a different perspective. Most teachers in America are white and have grown up with a different world view of opportunity and education. This would give some back ground knowledge of what some of their students may be going through. Teachers sometimes only see one side of a student but dont know what he or she has to go through sometimes. Also many people may have never been in any type of situations like this before. So reading this book would show them a different perspectives on things that cant be stopped at school. Reading this book would help teachers create a more trusting and honest environment at school by encouraging teachers to listen to the stories and thoughts of their students. I am also a young black father and I am hopeful for the future of my daughter but I have also known the struggles that are described in this book.

Here is a clip from an interview with the author: