Nov 16, 2015
President Francois Hollande said he would extend the state of emergency declared after the attacks for three months and would be a changes to the constitution. ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al- baghdadi had ordered attack on countries fighting against ISIS. Although there were no dates or locations about where and when the attacks will take places.
November 2015 Paris attacks left 129 people dead and 352 wounded, including 99 who are in a very serious condition. Two of seven terrorists have been named.

ISIS says it carried out the attacks on bars, restaurants, a concert hall and a stadium where they identified the death of 129 people. Mr Hollande is planning to travel to the US in the next couple days to discuss actions against the group withe president Obama and the Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Mr Obama said the US and France had made a new agreement on intelligence sharing but said US military advisers thought sending ground troops to combat Isis would be a mistake.

On Sunday night, French aircraft attacked Raqqa in Syria. The officials said 10 aircraft dropped 20 guided bombs targeting sites including a command centre. ISIS said “the raid targeted empty locations and that there were no casualties”.
For the latest on diplomacy between President Obama and President Hollande watch the video here: