The United Nations managed to come up with 17 goals that would make our world better by 2020. These goals will make our planet a better place and a better environment. For it to happen it will need a large participating audience who are not scared to help the world. 4 important goals for justice and peace are highlighted below. Will you stand up as a responsible Global Citizen and act in some way to make a difference? www.globalgoals.org
(click the link above to find individual targets and resources for meeting the goal to End Poverty)
It is the extreme condition of being poor. In today’s life poverty is a big issue both individually and globally. There are poor people everywhere. Some countries don’t have food or clean water. The causes of poverty are connected to all of the UN Global Goals. If we want justice for the poor we should try to act on these goals wherever we are. Sometimes it is as simple as sharing with your neighbor
Zero Hunger
(To end all world hunger. Click the Link above to find out more)
Hunger is the leading cause of death in the world. The world is wealthy with resources but certain people are denied access while others have too much access and consumption. We live in a world with resources but with unequal access. The Main actions to end hunger include promoting sustainable local agriculture when possible and efficiently transporting surplus food supplies to those who need it most.
Good Heath and Well Being
( How can we act as agents of good health and well being in our world? Click the link above. )
Whats is good health and Well-being ? Access to doctors and medicine and other health resources such as education. Depending on the region where you live you may have a higher risk to your health because of less access to these resources. In the past 15 years the numbers of children dying by diseases and other health issue has been cut in half because they have been a focus of global health advocacy by organizations and individuals who care about future generations.
Quality Education
( Any citizenship begins with education. If we want to ct as global citizens we need to educate as global citizens)
What is Quality Education? Education is most important factor in this world to insure access and ability of individuals to have fulfilling lives. It unlocks the true mind and expands it too. Without education no opportunities are open for anyone. Some countries struggle with education. Actions to fix this include sending out volunteering teachers to other countries.
Action must start somewhere and it might as well begin with you and me. To increase your awareness and spread the message through positive action go to this link to a presentation on more of the Global Goals