The Beaches of Champerico, Retalhuleu were attractive for those who love the heat and waves, since hundred of Guatemalans traveled to those place to enjoy their vacations. Some visitors said that those beaches are perfect to enjoy and get some rest with the family and friends. In that place, you could taste a variety of seafood.

It is not necessary to travel so far to see the sunrise because Guatemala has the best weather ever.
I am in the North America, and I tell People from Central America, South America, Africa or those countries that have greatest weather that here is so cold in the winter and so hat in the summer. When I was in my country; I Wished to come to North America because I wanted see how the snow looks like. America does not compare with the weather of Guatemala because in Guatemala the weather is so beautiful. In Guatemala the weather is not to hot or to could. In Guatemala people can go outside and enjoy the weather by feeling the breeze on their faces, and if some of they ride horses you can you can feel the amazing gale on your body.
In America you can not enjoy the weather in the winter as much because when the snow froze people stay inside of their homes or restaurants or stores because they could get sick by the cold weather. In Guatemala not everything is bad, and its fauna is amazing. I can not explain with words about how beautiful my country is; you have to be Guatemalan to understand my love of country or travel there to see the amazing natural fauna that my country has it.