Ebola is a troublesome virus. The virus has been reeking havoc in West Africa and putting the Western media public into a scare for awhile now. It is not a laughing matter but sometimes the best way to educate ourselves is with a sense of humor.
The October 16th article above talks about President Obama’s response to this ongoing issue. The video in this article talks about the possibility of a travel ban. President Obama speaks about how this is an issue in the news. He says “I don’t have a philosophical objection, necessarily, to a travel ban. If this is the thing to keep the American people safe”. He lays his hope onto the experts of infectious disease. Apparently to him a travel ban would be less effective. Interrupted travel is another thing that he speaks about.
I don’t believe that the issue of Ebola is something that the American people should be harboring excessive concern over. It’s the media that always sends the public into a panic. I think that although this is a very scary infectious disease, the Americans should have faith in our leaders, our government, and our health care system. Personally, I think it’s a tad bit scary because the possibility of the virus spreading to our community is unknown. Ebola has mutated exponentially because it’s now infected within human cells instead of monkeys. Centreville, VA is just down the road from Dulles International Airport; one of only 5 airports admitting anyone from West Africa to the U.S.
The core democratic values in this issue are the issues of life and liberty. Life is in danger and control of a possible threat to life is in the hands of the government. The President’s power is being criticized. I think that President Obama knows what he’s doing. He is considered to be one of the most powerful men in the world because he is the leader of the United States. I trust that he is making the right decision and that he has the best advisers on this issue.