Kane, Mamadou
Dedicated to Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, MLK, Kwame Nkrumah, Yassiin & Kweli and all our other shining Black Stars.
Star light, star bright, Black Star I see tonight; I wish I may, I will to might, give me Freedom after tonight
Conceived out of Vanta Black
forces push, but I push back
burning fierce as hell’s wind
my flames will rage until they win
these contradicting forces see
will create a light that all will see
though white dwarfs will latch to me
I WILL NOT SUCCUMB, I do not bleed
cannot let them crush me into the hearse
but will not lose control and burst
even when they think they’ve won
my effect cannot be undone
as my ashes scatter dust to dust
new lanterns will rise to bring dawn from dusk
pitiful are the forces against me
Should I collapse, my gravitation would take them all with me
And that is law: Unity, So goes Our Theory of Everything
I AM capable of anything ‘cause everything stems from WE
Star light, star bright, Black star I seen tonight; I wished today I’ll will to might, I will be Free after tonight