Social Studies students in our Government and Journalism classes learn one new word a day. This learning practice began in March 2024 when a student requested it. This practice has been like planting new seeds of learning each day that grow into a garden of connections in our thinking, speaking, reading, and writing. As we begin 2025, here are the words of January; a different word for every day. This practice has allowed for daily learning even on weekends and snow days as all students share the document with one another. It is a grounding space that allows for broad and narrow pathways of learning through creative connections, unique perspectives and authentic questions that arise out of the inalienable truths of the Declaration of Independence, the preamble’s promise in the US Constitution and the observed rights & responsibilities of Current Events at a personal, local, state, national, and global level.
Here are the WORDS for each day in January
1 Fullness, 2 Readiness, 3 Name, 4 INVITE, 5 SIGHT, 6 RECEIVE; welcome, greet, 7 LOVE, 8. CONFIDENCE, 9. MISSION, 10. TESTIMONY, 11. STAND, 12. EXPECTATION, 13. INHERITANCE, 14. COMMAND, 15. PERMIT, 16. WILL, 17. ENTER, 18. Effective, 19. Vindication, 20. REPRESENTATIVE, 21. OATH, 22. LIFE, 23.APPOINT 24. Summons 25. Addressed 26. Assembly 27. MEDIATOR 28. OFFERING 29. Receive; bear
JANUARY 1 2025
The ultimate goal & purpose
What is the FULLNESS of our being?
We the People
The mystery revealed
Make known the message
Reflect on the fullness of blessing
A promise fulfilled with purpose.
JANUARY 2, 2025
a state of preparation; prompt willingness;
With Serene Circumspection
Remain True
The Time is Now
Be Present in Steady READINESS.
January 3, 2025
a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing
a word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity
Reputation; fame; family, clan
Called by NAME
We the People without Fear
JANUARY 4, 2025
to request the presence or participation of
to urge politely : welcome
to offer an incentive or inducement to : entice
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
- The Great American INVITE inscribed upon the Statue of Liberty
Sunday, January 5, 2025
something that is seen : spectacle
mental or spiritual perception
an observation to determine direction or position (as by a navigator)
Where is your SIGHT sending you?
Can there be a way that is new?
Awaken to the hope of now.
Monday, January 6, 2025
to come into possession of : acquire
to accept as authoritative, true, or accurate : believe
RECEIVE what is true
Without Deceit
Remain Where We Belong
Be not Possessed nor Possessive
Be Free
In Truth
How did January 6,2025 compare to January 6, 2021 in the U.S. Capitol Building?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tuesday January 7 2025
to like or desire actively : take pleasure in
to thrive in
to hold dear : cherish
Wednesday January 8, 2025
a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances; faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way; the quality or state of being certain : certitude
a relation of trust or intimacy
Thursday January 9, 2025
a specific task with which a person or a group is charged
a group sent to a foreign country to conduct diplomatic or political negotiations
the act or an instance of sending
With Confidence
Know the Mission
Accept Responsibility
How did President Jimmy Carter accept the responsibility of leading through service throughout his long life after his Presidential term?
a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official
firsthand authentication of a fact : evidence
an outward sign
Testimony & Proof
What is Truth?
How can we be Free?
What are the topics of testimony in the Supreme Court Today?
Saturday January 11
to maintain one’s position
to support oneself on the feet in an erect position
to hold a course at sea
A House Divided Shall Not Stand
United We Stand
Divided We Fall
Stand and Listen
Sunday January 12
the act or state of expecting : anticipation
We The People
Are Filled with Expectation
What is it that you Expect in 2025?
Monday January 13
a valuable possession that is a common heritage from nature
the acquisition of a possession, condition, or trait from past generations
American Inheritance
We Are Heirs of the Promise; Secure the Blessings of Liberty
How do we receive and care for our American Inheritance?
Who are our Heirs? Our Posterity?
to direct authoritatively : order
to have or exercise direct authority : govern
to exercise a dominating influence over
We respond to COMMANDS
What COMMANDS my attention?
Where do I direct my 24 hours of power?
What am I learning and where do I put my trust?
A President is known as the “Head of State”, the “Head of Government” and the “Commander- in Chief of the Military”.
Look HERE at the different Hats of Authority worn by the US President
Wednesday January 15
to consent to expressly or formally
to give leave : authorize
to make possible
to give an opportunity : allow
We have been given and we give Authority
What is it that we PERMIT?
If we want Peace then we must work for Justice
How do we stand up to the presence of injustice?
Never permitting the voices of blame, accusation, distraction & addiction
Let us give PERMISSION for the GOOD and the TRUE
As we REMEMBER the BALANCE of POWER permitted by the US Constitution, let’s review the TREE of AUTHORITY that we drew.
***Current Event: Tonight January 15th President Biden will deliver his FAREWELL ADDRESS.
What did President Bidnen WARN against in his farewell address?
Look at George Washington’s FAREWELL ADDRESS.
What do you notice? What is the advice given?
Choose one sentence and TRANSLATE it by DEFINING words and ELABORATING with an example.
used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent,
or in negative constructions refusal
used to express a command, exhortation, or injunction
appetite, passion, choice, determination, desire, wish,inclination
a written instrument legally executed by which a person makes disposition of his or her estate to take effect after death
to make a beginning
to come or gain admission into a group : join —often used with into
to play a part : be a factor
to cause to be received or admitted
Gather together and Remember the Promise
Break through the divide and open up the dialogue
Of the heart and the mission.
producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect
ready for service or action
What is your most effective strategy?
We do not stand alone
Sunday 1/19
justification against denial or censure : defense
release from the guilt or penalty of an offense
a setting free from a charge of wrongdoing
an act taken in order to redeem oneself
In order to form a more perfect union we the people must have the vindication of justice with mercy.
Monday January 20
Martin Luther King Jr Day and Inauguration Day
standing or acting for another especially through delegated authority
of, based on, or constituting a government in which the many are represented by persons chosen from among them usually by election
Tuesday January 21
A solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one’s words
A pledge of allegiance
A promise
Whose OATH do you trust?
Where is your hope?
There is a greater promise
For the just.
Yesterday our 47th President took the OATH of office
Where is this written in the US CONSTITUTION?
a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings
one or more aspects of the process of living
spiritual existence transcending physical death
spirit, animation, the form or pattern of something existing in reality
What is the law of LIFE?
Certain inalienable rights governed by natural law
Hope and gravity; every choice has a consequence
Know the source of liberty as you pursue what is true.
There are two SUPREME COURT CASES 50 years apart that speak to the American debate over LIFE and CHOICE.
- Roe v Wade 1973
- Dobbs v. Jackson 2022
to fix or set or name officially
Arrange; To Choose
to decide upon usually from a position of authority
All those appointed are imperfect instruments
How do we stay true to the plan and the purpose?
Who shares the power to APPOINT in the Constitution?
a call by authority to appear at a place named or to attend to a duty
a written notification to be served on a person as a warning to appear in court at a day specified to answer to the plaintiff
a subpoena to appear as a witness
Where are you being SUMMONED?
Be a witness to truth and reconciliation
The way of retribution is obsolete
Why does human justice require mercy?
Compromise and Balance of Power are necessary for Democracy
Saturday January 25
to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently
as in arranged; to bring about through discussion and compromise
Sunday January 26
26. Assembly 27. MEDIATOR 28. OFFERING 29. RECEIVE
a company of persons gathered for deliberation and legislation, worship, or entertainment
a legislative body; specifically : the lower house of a legislature
May the truth be Addressed
In the Assembly of the law
Listen & Know
The source of our strength
One who intervenes between parties to reconcile differences
to make compatible : reconcile
A Mediator is needed
We do not save ourselves
The truth will set us free to be; a more perfect union
A house divided will not stand
Believe in the unity of hope
Israel’s Cabinet approved the cease-fire early Saturday in a rare session during the Jewish Sabbath, more than two days after mediators announced the deal.
—Wafaa Shurafa, Los Angeles Times, 19 Jan. 2025
In light of International Holocaust Remembrance Day,
How does the trauma of war and violence from the past continue to require mediation today?
What is the essential truth found in universal human rights?
TUESDAY 1/28/25
a course of instruction or study
the act of one who offers
to present for acceptance or rejection : tender
All Federal Employees received an email which asked them to accept or reject an offer to resign from their position. If they chose not to resign they were required to offer their loyalty to the administration of President Trump. FIND OUT MORE with a LINK
Wednesday 1/29/25
to come into possession of : acquire
to accept as authoritative, true, or accurate : believe
to support the weight or pressure of : bear
What is OFFERED in the promise of the CONSTITUTION?
How is it perceived and received differently?
Do we RECEIVE the burden of deception & propaganda even as we BELIEVE in the promise?