November 22, 1963
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot by a sniper at 12:30 p.m. central standard time at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas while traveling in a presidential motorcade. Accompanying the president was the First Lady, Texas Governor John Connally, and his wife Nellie Connally. A ten month investigation ensued and Lee Harvey Oswald was found to have operated alone and was convicted for the assassination. Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby before he could stand trial. The governor was also hit with the first bullet fired and was sent to the hospital in critical condition. He eventually recovered from his wounds.
After the assassination President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office aboard Air Force One with the dead president’s body. The assassination caused the Secret Service to completely change their tactics and revamp the security around the president. The presidential car is now completely covered and completely bulletproof to insure that the president is safe while traveling inside. The route that the president takes is never released to the public previously so no one can plan an attack on the president.
I feel like they should have made these adjustments in the first place to prevent the assassination. The president would obviously have many enemies and leaving him out in the open would give any shooter an easy target. The Secret Service had one job and they failed it horribly. After the assassination, the security around the president was changed dramatically and one would find it almost impossible to repeat Oswald’s act nowadays.

Rockstar • Feb 9, 2015 at 9:06 am
I liked this artical because you talked about one of best presidents in america. He was a smart guy and if wasn’t him during the Cold War, we might got into huge war with soviet union.
Rockstar • Feb 4, 2015 at 8:41 am
I enjoyed reading this article because he was one of the best president that America had. During the cold war if wasn’t him, America would get into a huge war with Russia.
dr95mike • Feb 3, 2015 at 2:29 pm
I Personally think that the security that the president had back then was so terrible, even me myself could run up to the car and do something. It’s redicilous to think that you would leave the most important person who runs our state wide open. I’m glad they majorly improved the security of our president and hope that an incident like that will never happen again.
jtb22314 • Feb 3, 2015 at 9:22 am
The death of JFK was a tragic event. It showed how weak yet motivated Americans are. So weak they don’t realize their own flaws in their beliefs. Yet so motivated that Oswald took actions into his own hands. JFK was a hero. He was a marked man and he knew it yet he took a stand for the greater good and death was his escape into a better place.
workingmemory • Feb 2, 2015 at 9:13 pm
I agree with the summation of the authors idea that we should of protected the president before the assignation because this wasn’t the first time a president was assassinated