In 2013 President Barack Obama proposed a plan in his state o f the union speech urging congress to create “A Budget Deal That Invests in Our Youngest Children.” The president realizes all students may not have an equal opportunity to succeed. The proposed Federal spending is for Early Head Sart and Head Start. President Obama has a lot more work to do, but giving our children in this generation an equal opportunity through education is a great idea.
Finally someone is realizing that college is a life long investment. For some people it quickly becomes impossible because of inadequate funding in their early educational years. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have the option of college due to unequal opportunities at the start of their lives as students. I’m glad President Obama understands that the investment in strong citizenship begins early. I hope that Barack Obama follows through with his goal to pay more attention to children’s education. The fact that he is acknowledging children as one of the most important American investments is incredible. Our “Chief Citizen” realizes that we need to give our children a fair start at education.