A Flexible Time for Student Skills; Quality Education & Success Prep

What is Success Preparation anyways?


Success preparation is all about students having time with their teachers to reflect on their growth and plan for the future. This is a subject in Mountain View High School that every student has and needs in order to refresh their minds in the goal they are trying to achieve. It helps students understand themselves better and helps them understand how to reach their goals.

What are some of the problems students and teachers face today?

Education has evolved in being easier to access and  understand knowledge and to learn, but the sole purpose of a quality education is to be able to apply this knowledge and these essential skills in students’ future. Some schools only focus on memorization without knowing how to apply these skills in real life situations. Most importantly, students tend to forget the executive functioning skills which are required to plan and achieve their goals; knowing and understanding the bigger picture is needed for a student to understand their purpose of studying. Many teachers and students lose their passion and sense of purpose if they are just reciting knowledge and recording grades.  Helping one another is essential for healthy relationships. These relational skills are called Social Emotional Learning.


Click the link to know more about Executive Functioning: ___________Link___________
and this link for Social Emotional Learning: __________Link__________


How is the school environment a reflection of society?


In simple terms, if there is quality education, there is always room for growth. It all focuses on the social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive development of each student in order to prepare them for life and reality. Quality education creates quality bonds between student and teachers which would help each other and benefit from learning from each other. The school environment is a reflection of society by having people who learn more and know more, are those who get to where they want.