a stolen treasure

Henrietta Lacks’s cells were stolen and scientists around the globe work, replicate, and kept them. Cells called He La are alive.

Her family struggled to gain any health care. The government knew it, scientist knew, so while and after they did family struggled and it was getting worse. As they make millions for medicine, cures, and many practices with no concerns.

Can her cells save humans from illness and cure them for ever as they live?

Would she be alive if she dint have cancer or if she was living the life of now?

The theory stays a question. If we have her self then it means that many of us will aged looking fine and gorgeous. Will she still look 29  and beautiful now?

We see that in many woman around the glove. Woman are beautiful and is all in their cells, from woman we learn to be kind and growth to better players shared with love the she learns by nature and that that imitates all.

As African Americans, Henrietta Lacks, and her family didn’t receive respect and basics needs to stay healthy. It was times in which African Americans didn’t have many rights and weren’t in the same class as white Americans.

Thanks to herself and god by sending such a beautiful angel to help human kind, we stand strong and together to live a healthy and save many children and mothers around the world today.