I have grown up going to Florida every year since I was 8 months old. Throughout my life I have seen the change in the cultures around Florida. Throughout my lifetime, I have seen many different cultures throughout Florida. From the tourist areas of Orlando, the retirement homes of Saint Petersburg, the Hispanic, Cuban, and African American populations of Miami, and the conservative working class population of Jacksonville. In its short history as one of the United States, Florida has become not only a highly touristic place, but also a place where many people are beginning to live there and retire.

In the early years of the country, Florida was in the hands of Spain. In 1565 Spanish explorer Pedro Menéndez de Aviles, founded the first settlement in St. Augustine. In 1819 Florida became a US territory with the signing of the Adams Onis Treaty. This was under the presidency of James Monroe and with the help of later President and current Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. Throughout the early history of Florida, it had changed hands between many of the European powers. This shows throughout the culture of Florida today. With Florida also being so close to Cuba, there are a lot of Cuban influences in southern Florida as well.

With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, England gained control of Florida from Spain in 1763. But when the Americans won the revolution in 1783, Florida was returned to Spain. During this time there were no set boundaries for the state and many settlers began to settle in Florida. This was the start of the First Seminole War. This war was between US settlers, Spanish citizens, British agents, and the Creek Native. The war ended with Andrew Jackson burning native villages, hanging two British subjects, and the capture of two cities. After the war, Spain finally signed over Florida and created a new boundary line in the Adams-Onis treaty, which was negotiated by John Quincy Adams in 1819.
When Florida became a territory of the US, it was settled by many people. By 1845 Florida finally became a state on March 3rd. In the election of 1860, no Floridian voted for Abraham Lincoln in fear that he would end slavery and the South would succeed. When he was elected president, Florida was the third state to succeed from the Union on January 10, 1861. No battles of the civil war were fought on Florida lands, but troops were stationed around the coast and border of he state. After the war, Florida was readmitted to the Union on June 25, 1868.
While it attracted the Spanish on their first “tour of America” in the 1500s – they did not stay. It was not until the 20th century construction of railways, highways, and airports that Florida quickly became “America’s tourist trap”.
trays • Apr 15, 2016 at 12:35 pm
Wow never would I think that someone would ever post a essay about my home state of Florida. Reading this makes me think about when I lived in Dade County,Miami Florida. Its a wonderful place to visit. Florida continues to be a destination state with many places to visit as in Disney World, the beautiful beaches, Sea World etc. Often you appreciate a place in a new and different way when you move away from it.
taytay • Apr 13, 2016 at 1:03 pm
I went to Florida once when I was little to go to Disney land and I’ve always wanted to go back again to remember and see all the different cultures.