Devastating news has knocked on the door of the United States, as one of the residents in Indiana knows a little too well.
The United States has identified its first case of Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus within the state of Indiana. The infected male resident of Indiana had traveled from Riyadh to London, then to Chicago, and took a bus to Indiana. The individual experienced shortness of breath, coughing, and fever on April 27, according to Indiana State Department of Health.
On April 28, the patient was admitted to the emergency department of Community Hospital in Munster, Indiana. Health officials state he is being isolated from the general public and is in stable condition, but requires some oxygen support.
The MERS virus is shown to a “very low risk to the broader general public,” said Dr. Anne Schuchat, assistant surgeon general with the U.S. Public Health Service and director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. Due to its inability to spread from individual to individual rapidly, the virus has not been declared an epidemic. Nevertheless, it still poses a deadly threat to anyone who comes in contract with the virus.
Laboratory testing has confirmed 262 cases in 12 countries of the MERS virus. About ninety-three people have died from contradicting the virus
In Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Health reported that 339 cases and nearly one-third of the victims died. The World Health Organization (WHO) has not confirmed all of these claims.
Currently, all cases on the MERS virus have been traced back to six countries on or near the Arabian Peninsula, said Schuchat.
The MERS virus was originally thought to have been present within Middle Eastern camels. Test result from researchers, state that three out of every four camels in Saudi Arabia are positive for the MERS coronavirus.
Several cases have been confirmed outside of the Arabian Peninsula by the WHO. The virus have been found in multiple European Countries, Tunisia in North Africa, Egypt, several middle eastern countries, Canada and Hong Kong of China.
Researchers still fear of the virus potential. Information of the virus are not significant, such as it’s ability to stay dominate.
Warnings are still being issued due to the virus deadliness when contracted. Experts from all major and minor health organization are working on a solution to this new infestation.