On November 14, the moon will be the biggest it has been in 68 years. It will be the biggest so far for the 21st century. This is called “the Super Moon”.
What is a Super Moon? A Super Moon occurs when the moon becomes full on the same day when the moon is closest to the earth.
The term is borrowed from the pseudoscience of astrology but has been adopted by popular culture and astronomers.
Super Moons are usually 14% bigger and 30% brighter. Ever 13 months there is usually a full moon but this November is going to be a little different.
According to NASA, this month’s supermoon “becomes full within about two hours of perigee—arguably making it an extra-super moon.”
On November 14th, the moon will turn full around 1:52 pm UTC or 8:52 am ET. For people more around the eastern part of north america and Europe, the moon will be seen November 13th.
People who wake up early on the US West Coast should be able to see it at it fullest around 5:52 am PST.
People who live in Asia are the best place to see the moon when it is the largest while this occures around 9:52 pm Hong Kong, and 7:22 pm in India.
This is going be so exciting. Not too many actually live to see this moon. This also might be the only time when you will be able to see it. With calculations, the Super Moon is 356,577 kilometers away from earth. A regular moon is about 384,400 kilometers away from earth. That is a huge difference. So for all those wanting to take pictures and see the moon at it fullest, make sure you are up and ready November 14th early morning before sunrise.