Black Friday in Guatemala

End of the year traditions in the United States is the gold time for stores that offer products on Black Friday.
Black Friday has now spread to Guatemala as well. Nowadays stores advertise offers and discount from this day. American stores such as Walmart offer incredible discounts. The Black Friday has became one opportunity for Guatemalans to take advantage of the American economy. It is good because the United States is giving job opportunities to Guatemalans.
Black Friday for Guatemala means 20 times larger sales than they have during the year. Unfortunately, there are Guatemalans who can not enjoy this amazing opportunity.
Four years ago, Guatemalans just watched in the TV the promotions during Black Friday. It is incredible that in this time they can be part of this day. When I read the article, I was amazed because it is new for me. I hope that in the same way that Black Friday spread toward Guatemala more Americans traditions can be part of Guatemala. However, the biggest thing that I hope Guatemala can take from United States is the security. Guatemala is wonderful country, but Guatemalans can not be safe even in their own home.
These are some examples of ads in Guatemala.
Black Friday 2017 EEUU comprar por Internet desde Guatemala
Black Friday 2017 Guatemala: descuentos moda y calzado
Black Friday 2017 Guatemala: descuentos y promociones electronica
rosewater • Jan 3, 2018 at 1:13 pm
I really love this because I feel that everyone should get the same opportunities as everyone else does.
zumie15 • Dec 5, 2017 at 3:59 pm
I love how people come as one and take the advantage when there is an open door because it shows unity brings the world together so to see Guatemalans taking the advantage of black Friday makes me happy.