Chances and Challenges in Women’s Health: Ovarian Cancer

Why is Women’s health important? Why is it important to all kinds of doctors/physicians? 

Women’s health is important to all medical practitioners because, when treating any patient, family genetics and interactions are significant factors that influence an individual’s health. Female relatives are part of the genetics history that determines in part the conditions a patient may face. In addition, familial relationships, including those with mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters need to be examined when assessing a patient’s overall mental, physical, social, and behavioral health. For example, a male patient who has intimate female partners may be exposed to or expose his his partner to sexually transmitted infections.

How does Ovarian Cancer affect women? What are the risk factors?

Women who are suffering from ovarian cancer may experience pelvic discomfort, due to abdominal pain, bloating, lack of apettite (feeling full quickly) They may also experience unintended weight loss. Risk factors for ovarian cancer include getting older (aging), having relatives who have had ovarian cancer, breast cancer or colorectal cancer; taking hormone therapy menopause or having children late, never having children, using fertility treatment, smoking, and having had breast cancer in the past.

What type of specialist/doctor would treat ovarian cancer?

The specialist who would treat this medical condition is an Oncologist and possibly also a Gynecologist (in some cases). The practitioners diagnose and assess the severity of of cancerous conditions of the female reproductive system. They evaluate and present treatment options to patients and develop a plan of care that is aligned with each patient’s need.


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