A federal court has ruled against President Barack Obama’s plan to protect an estimated 5 million people living in the United States. Republicans had blamed the plan as an illegal executive order when President Obama declared it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.
The Federal court authority disagreed that the executive branch was within its rights in electing to extend the mandatory dismissal deadline of selected groups of immigrants, including children who were brought to the U.S. illegally.
The Justice Department said in a statement that it disapproved with the court’s ruling. Attorney General Loretta Lynch defended that Obama’s action would allow the Department of Homeland Security to bring greater accountability to the immigration system by focusing on the deportation of criminals; not people who have long family and legal economic ties to the United States. There are some who are raising American children born as natural citizens. The statement did not point out what the department’s next steps would be.

This shows the conflict of the different branches of government over an issue that is dividing American politics. The government should be by the people and for the people and President Obama is trying to keep the best interest of all people in mind. The court is ruling on the laws of the United States as they exist now and is only focused on the rights of citizens.
tiffany16 • Nov 11, 2015 at 2:18 pm
These is sad how they are denying opportunities to people who would work really hard. People have faith that everything can change and maybe this will but to be honest I see this really far away from now.