This election has been a wild shock for some people. So many different emotions are being expressed. Some resenting the new President, Donald Trump, while some look to the future with hope for a greater America. Mike Rowe, a former host of a hit show on the Discovery channel, Dirty Jobs weighed in on this recent election. I love his response he gave publicly on his Facebook page which you can read below in the link.
But Mike Rowe is not the only celebrity to comment on this election. Some sports announcers have made their opinions heard also. Their responses are also positive and looking forward to see positive changes in America made by the new president Donald Trump, which you can see in the link below.

I want great change to the system, like most Americans do. I’m 17, with almost no experience with these issues; I have no solutions to these problems we face, and no voice in politics until next year. So America elected someone to make those decisions for us. Even though there were horrendous comments coming from both political platforms, the competition is now over and it’s time to get down to business. That includes addressing the problems that plague American society like racism, inequality, and division between our citizens. These issues affect everyone even if they don’t realize it.