Over the last year statistics showed that in seven provinces of the Central American country of Panama the amount of livestock was reduced, and in only three provinces the livestock increased. These figures are significant. So what does it mean that Central American cattle are dying? Why should we care?
As American citizens we are part of a global economy. The prices of American cattle depend on world prices for cattle as well. Sometimes governments set the price but supply and demand globally make a difference as well. Sometimes I wonder if it might be better for everyone to have a “United States of Central America or even Latin America” What if all these nations were united into a Federal Democracy like we have in the United States? I think the more we share in our economies and population then the wealthier we are as a whole people. President Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Act into law in order to open the North American economies but things like terrorism, the drug market and illegal immigration have caused us to be less open in our business.

Livestock is found to be reduced in the country of Panama.
Well it is so sad to know that livestock are decreasing because many people of Panama and other countries around the world depend on the health of livestock. The farms are getting the worst part because they need to sell the product getting from their animals to make money to use it to survive. Also, many people depend on dairy farms because they need the products for their families. For example, children and adults need dairy for their bones and yogurt products for good health and this comes from the livestock. I hope that this sad case could get fixed for the future economic and health priorities of our countries. The American economy greatly benefited from the Panamanian economy through the 20th century because of the US control of the Panama canal.