The 2024 -2025 Global Classroom Project at Mt. View is engaging students to take action on the goals. In December students in Government and Journalism classes with Mr. Hardy devised a plan to take action on SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production.
This is the 3rd year that students at Mt. View have worked in cooperation with the students at the International Christian School of Vienna, Austria to learn through active global citizenship. Each year we choose pathways that increase awareness and act towards change for the better in achieving the United NAtions Sustainable Development goals. SDG 4; Quality Education is always at the heart of what we do.
Here are some examples of our previous learning and publication through the Global Classroom Project;:
On Tuesday November 26 we learned a little about recycling. Mr. Ed. Ehlers taught us what things can be recycled and what cannot. He motivated us to act. We want to show you the project we did after learning a little more about the importance of recycling. At first we thought we would only collect plastic in December but then we realized that we could do it all year. So far we have collected 12 pounds of plastic bags for reuse and recycling. This is plastic that could have gone into rivers and streams to pollute the water but now it will be used by the TREX building company. We decided to create two drop boxes. One is outside our classroom and the other is just inside door #1.A 4th period student uses this hanging fish weight to measure the amount of plastic collected. He applied his science and math knowledge to calculate the weight of the empty box which is 2.74 lbs and then subtract that from the weight of the full box. In the first month of our campaign, we have collected 12 lbs of plastic bags.
All students worked together over the duration of one school day. These 4th period students each work on producing the different sides of the collection boxes.This 6th period student works to add color to the design as he puts the finishing touches on box #2.
3 students in Mr. Hardy’s 2nd period class smile by the artwork they designed to represent Sustainable Development Goal #12; Responsible Consumption and Production.