GMU; A High School Student Explores Next Steps.

George Mason Campus

George Mason Review

On a recent Friday I went on a school trip with some of my classmates to George Mason University. Originally I didn’t plan on attending this school but I thought it would be a good idea to learn more about what college was like.  I was interested in learning about their different programs and courses. We met with a tour guide who introduced us to the campus and gave us a quick overview of the plan. She spoke about the student life on campus and showed us how to apply online.

gmu admissions

I didn’t plan on attending George Mason but during the tour I learned that they have an amazing cyber security  program. I recommend  going on college tours because it can open up your interests and brings opportunities that might interest you in something you didn’t think you would like. George Mason is listed in the top ten best cyber security programs in the country. The tour gave me more of an accurate idea of what college is like. At George Mason their are many different paths you can take such as 78 undergraduates degrees with a variety of concentrations.  They also are a law school and have 94 master’s degrees programs , and 38 doctoral degrees programs.

gmu cyber security

gmu undergraduate programs

The tour was very informative.  I learned a lot about what opportunities George Mason provides. I think it’s good to research ahead of time when thinking about which college you plan on attending because there are many colleges and it’s good to keep your options open and think ahead of time. I would attend George Mason because they have a great cyber security class and that’s the career I want to pursue. The location is also very convenient for me because I stay close by. I think it’s a great idea to go on multiple college tours before choosing the one you want to commit to.