Chile’s leaders prepared the country and saved lives when one of their worst earthquakes struck at the end of September 2015. They have had many quakes but after a quake killed more than 500 in 2010 the country had to make changes. The government started working very hard. They wanted to be ready for any other earthquakes. They figured out the best ways for people to stay safe.
Chile is a country located in South America and it suffers a lot of earthquakes because it is located on a fault line near the Pacific ocean. The tectonic plate passes through Chile. In the last earthquakes, thousands of people died and the people who survived lost their homes. In this recent earthquake many lost homes and buildings to the big waves but lives were saved due to a government warning system that allowed citizens to evacuate.
The people from Chile and all people who live in dangerous regions deserve to have all the necessary technology to prevent the deadly results. All countries in the world have to see this and try to help. It is so sad to see people without food and a place to live. We have to act to help any country in need. As we protect basic human rights and safety in the world we are also protecting peace.