The State Islamic militants took the hostages on Monday in the Assyrian Christian villages in the province of Al Hasaka in northeastern Syria. The jihadist of the Islamic State attacked two Christian villages under the control of Kurdish forces in the region of Hasaka ( northeast) and abducted 90 people, on Tuesday said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
“on monday, the Islamic state attacked Tal Shamiran and Tal Hermuz, two assyrian villages in the province of Hasaka, and carried 90 people”, declared Rami Abdel Rahman director of the Observatory for Human Rights.

The Syrian government does not know where the kidnapped hostages were taken.
The hostage victims are Nestorian Christians; a minority christian group that was condemned by the Council of Ephesus in the year 431 due to differences over their beliefs in the exact
nature of Christ. They are also very present in Iraq. Part of the province of Hasaka is controlled by the Kurds and other Jihadists by ISIS. The Syrian government forces are present in the city that bears the same name.
Protection units of the Kurdish people, the main Syrian Kurdish militia, conducted an offensive in the region and seized 24 villages with the aim of taking the town of Tal Hamis, held by the jihadists and target of bombings of the US-led coalition.
I believe Isis is abusing whatever power they have and they are basically doing whatever they want, something should be done ASAP, before more innocent blood is spilled. Every country should take notice and action into this.