In July 12 2006, a war started between Lebanon and Israel. I was in Lebanon that time, and it was the best days back then, but the 33 days I lived in the war was just crazy and so hard. I’m Originally from the south, and the war started in the south. The first 3 days my village was ok, and after 3-4 days Israel started with my village. No one knows how it feels, imagine the whole family is over and around us we see houses going down. We stayed home the whole time and nothing happened to me. I always thank the Lebanese army and whoever helped the Lebanese army and off course god because of them I’m learning, working, and finishing my education. that what I believe, I actually helped by getting water and food to people.Each time my body would grow tense and I would cover my ears. I even removed the window panes on one side of my flat for fear the glass would shatter. There was often no electricity or fuel for generator power. I resorted to buying truck batteries to power my computer. In the dark, I would listen to the news while transmitting my pictures to the outside world. In this photograph, Lebanese teens watch Israeli airstrikes from a hilltop overlooking Beirut at the start of the 2006 Lebanon War.
Hows Lebanon 10 years after the war?
It is amazing, as it was before the war and even better. I love Lebanon, its actually one of the best countries in the word. I’m not saying that because i’m Lebanese but it is the place to go. I go back every summer, all I do is just chill on the beach with a hookah (shisha). A lot of things you can do, what I like about Lebanon is you go to the beach where is it warm, and then you drive one hour you get to snow and the cold area. Its like you can do a lot of things in one day . The people are amazing, they like each other and every morning you see neighbors drinking coffee, talking and having fun. Lebanon is known as Vegas in the Middle East. That’s why I’m always proud of my self. Some people thinks that Lebanon is in the middle east but it has influence from the France after World War 2 (WW1). So it has the western values so there less strict than other Arab countries. The best part I like when I go is when we go clubbing, there’s this club called BO18 its in Beirut, Its a bomb shelter club. I know it sounds weird but that’s what it is. Its not like they designed it like a bomb shelter, but it still a bomb shelter, all they did is they added speakers into it. I wish Lebanon would stay like this till we die. I recommend every body to go visit and shots on me, Cheers.

alielyas711 • Mar 6, 2017 at 1:57 pm
Mashaallah. It is good to see that how Lebanon developed over years. War brings death and darkness to all human lives. However, it’s our biggest success that we came in peace and worry about human rights. Anyway, this article make me wants to visit Lebanon and understand the culture in the Lebanon to enjoy the city and to pray in the beautiful mosque. Also, the night life is the biggest attraction to me.
Inshaallah, I will come to your country and speed some days and enjoy my journey.
Jr • Mar 2, 2017 at 1:09 pm
War is terrible for both sides who fight it. Especially for civilians who end up dying in a war they never asked to be part of. I really hope either side can live peacefully for many more years to come. War is not an option, they have to think about their citizens and the children who are the future for their countries. Lebanon is beautiful man, I hope to travel there someday and take you up on the drinks hahaha.
Wow man Lebanon is beautiful. I hope to one day visit your country and take you up on those drinks.