The majority of pregnant women aren’t always happy as others during their pregnancy. November has been for several years Preemie awareness month.
Babies born too early may have more health issues than babies born on time, and may face long-term health problems that affect the brain, the lungs, hearing or vision. World Prematurity Day on November 17 raises awareness of this serious health crisis. Throughout the month we draw attention to the lifesaving research, treatments and community support made possible when we work together to give every baby a fighting chance.
This is my story. Having to visit the OB/GYN three times a week can get frustrating. Asking yourself why am I going through this? There has been plenty of happiness and sadness. Knowing that you are going to the doctor to check how your baby is doing and getting negative feedback is very hard. Being in the hospital for long hours and letting the doctors do ultrasounds specialized with test results that could either bless you with happiness or break your heart apart is a feeling like no other. Knowing that your child is not moving from position after drinking plenty of cold water and sugars and being monitored and instead the heart beats starts to decrease- I will never forget these moments. Being by your self is sad without anybody saying “Everything will be alright”. You deal with everything by yourself. Leaving from the doctor with bad news is the worst. Knowing that your baby is in risk of dying not knowing what to do leads to depression. This uncertainty and anxiety effects mother and baby together and makes a bad situation worse.
After the new checkup everything seems fine with the heart beat monitor. Then the best part where you are glad to see the baby by the ultrasound and see that your baby’s feet.
But then they don’t see movement. That it could be paralyzed once again you suffer. Next week you go and get checked again now they see in the ultrasound that your placenta has many holes and that the baby will defiantly not resist anymore. They say this is a very big issue as the placenta protects the baby tears from your eyes falls you just can’t believe what you are going through. People that haven’t gone through this can’t know the pain that this causes in your heart.
Miracles can happen after all. At seven months things seem to get worst to the point that getting hospitalized wasn’t anything new. Arriving to Reston Hospital on August 21st 2015 was the day my life change. I was supposed to be there until I was 9 months but only God knows what he does.
That day in the night my daughters heart beat stopped.
All I did was pray and ask God “is this what you want?” Hearing nurses call the doctor the running around all panicked and I crying upset my life was gone. But miracles can happen. I met my baby girl which became a hero as she fought for her life. Having my micro preemie 2Lb 7oz was a big miracle. I believe many women have gone through this and is not easy, some babies make it and some don’t.
An estimated 15 million babies around the world are born premature each year and more than one million of them do not survive their early birth. Although the United States has seen sustained improvement in its preterm birth rate, it has one of the highest rates of preterm birth of any industrialized country.
I’m glad the lord gave me my daughter Gods timing is amazing and he knows his purpose . Believing and having faith is the way to make miracles happen. This stage causes you to be desperate and upset full of emotional feelings but at the end you are full of happiness and blessings.