Believe it or not human slavery or trafficking in the US is still going on and has been for longer than we known. US citizens have been recruiting other people from different places the most frequently cited countries outside of the U.S. were the Philippines, Mexico, Ethiopia, India, and Kenya. It is wrong to have any human taken away from their own rights and violate their own personal boundaries, this is why this website or hotline was made. Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center if your rights are being violated at 1-888-373-7888 or by sending a text to BeFree (233733). Mostly there are women that are referenced as victims in 85% of sex trafficking cases, and men in 40% of labor trafficking cases. California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Illinois were the five states with the highest number of reported trafficking cases. These under the radar people that have an illegal business going on make billions of dollars illegally. I think human trafficking is very wrong and should be stopped as soon as possible, I support the Polaris Project hopefully the unfortunate can reach out to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center if your rights are being violated.