Two years ago my father brought me a pulsera (bracelet) from my country El Salvador. This always reminds me of those times when I was living in El Salvador with my siblings and parents. This artifact is made by hand and people use different kinds of materials to make it. This pulsera is used most of time by young people. It is a handicraft for our country. Using this same strong string Salvadorans also make objects such as hammocks, hats, and dolls, etc.
If you would like to purchase your own CLICK HERE.
People use small objects to keep their own history and culture close to them. I was born in San Salvador which is the capitol city of El Salvador. I lived there for 15 years so it is the place of my childhood. In this American life I have now there are so many differences from my childhood life in San Salvador. The biggest difference for me today is found in the new economic opportunities that my family and I have gained through education and hard work.
I have 5 years living in the United States and I can say how different it is for me. If you go to El Salvador you’ll see vendors who are selling this kind of pulsera, but in here you do not see any of that. This artifact reminds me of my hard and simple childhood living in a country that doesn’t have a lot of opportunities. In El Salvador people have to go sell things such as this pulsera and even painting rocks to obtain money to feed their family. That’s why I say this artifact (pulsera) has an important meaning to me. The importance comes from the humble hands that made it and the love of a father for his daughter.

Edu_Knight • Jan 30, 2017 at 2:37 pm
It is crazy to think how in countries like ours little things like that doesn’t have any meaning because it is just there for you when you want it, but when you are this far from home a little things like a bracelet can mean a lot to us and remind us how life was when we were little kids and how bad we would like to go back and just be a little kid again.