Being stripped of their rights, the Russian government recently found two women raising a child, or two men raising a child together, is wrong. It’s not in the traditional way, such as a man and a women.
Apparently it is worse in the West. Two women were being interviewed and wouldn’t show their faces because that’s how much they fear for there lives as well as losing everything they have. They must live there lives as a big lie and a secret from society.
In my opinion its wrong. Why does the way a certain individual lives, concern anyone? Wrong or right…why does it matter so much? Why is it such a touchy topic? If we were able to fight through slavery, as well as women rights why can’t we give gays their rights to live there life in peace not in fear and judgement?

audreyjolene • Mar 13, 2014 at 10:53 am
EXACTLY!! People just need to get over it and live with there lives its not a crime for people to be gay, or lesbian. It’s life, it’s what they are and will be. We can fight for this like you said LOBSTER. People shouldn’t judge anyone its life, so just go with life and move on. It’s not like gay people are bad people? they are just like us? Except they like the same sex and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT