Have you ever had a teacher who gave out too much homework, or moved too quickly, or didn’t fit the type of learning method that you needed? Don’t you hate starting a new school year and when you’re reading your teachers to upperclassmen and they say, “You got that teacher? Good luck, she’s a tough one.” There definitely should be a way for students to prevent that from happening. Students get graded on their behavior, academic ability, and skills so why shouldn’t the teacher?
One pretty obvious response is that students are too immature to rate a teacher on their performance. The students will grade them poorly just because they didn’t care for the teacher. When thinking about that statement, there’s always a reason that a teacher and a student don’t get along. The majority of the time it is because the teacher isn’t using the appropriate teaching method for that student, and the student will have a lot of trouble in that class resulting in a poor teacher-student relationship. Students learn how their progress in school is going by getting good or bad grades, so shouldn’t a teacher know how they’re teaching? For example, if the majority of a class is getting poor grades, there’s no way that the problem lies in the hands of the students. If a whole class is getting poor grades, it’s because the teacher isn’t doing a proper job of teaching. This is a good indicator that the teacher needs to adjust the way he or she teaches.
With a system where students get to grade their teachers, teachers will be able to recognize what areas they need to improve in order to do their jobs more efficiently. This is just like when students learn the classes in which they need to adjust their studies to be more successful. Teachers should be graded on how quickly the teacher moves through a lesson, organization, work load, and teaching methods like auditory, visual, or tactical. No two kids learn the same way, which is why a teacher grading system will help kids find the teacher that best suits their level of learning. A student-teacher grading system will make a great impact on the way a student learns and the student’s ability to succeed by establishing a greater dialogue between the teacher and students.