After the devastating news on the first death from Ebola on American soil, citizens became extremely unsettled with the lack of involvement that President Obama had in preventing the spread of this disease. The government sent out a poll for citizens to vote on Obama’s actions towards Ebola. 43% of Americans said they disapproved of the way Obama was responding, compared to 41% saying they approve. The divide was so close because some citizens sympathis fofr the president. Why is the president put under so much for Ebola? Much of the unsettling feeling America is getting is because of media. There are currently no ebola cases open in the U.S. The presdient can only do so much, thats why i think the percentages were divded so closley together.
As for citizens who thought that the government was doing all that could be done, only 33% said yes and over 60% said No. This poll also revealed an overwhelming 91% saying they believed there was a need for stricter screening of people entering the U.S from West African countries where this disease spread rapidly. Since this survey in mid-October, a month has passed and there are now no existing cases of the Ebola virus in the U.S. Since the survey President Obama also appointed an Ebola Czar and restrictions were put in place at airports. Medical facilities now require patients to answer questions about possible travel or contact with those who have traveled to West Africa. Opinions change when there is no apparent danger and it seems like the problem is being solved.
I was very concerned with the spread of Ebola in America. Though I was concerned and a bit worried, I also understand the amount of pressure and stress that President Obama is faced with on a daily basis. I do not think President Obama has the authority to stop a disease; the only thing he can really do is encourage the research of a cure for this, delegate authority to have a plan in place when new cases are brought to the US for treatment and keep Americans updated. He should not be blamed for the spread of Ebola but citizens had their back against the wall waiting for answers. I understand both views and sympathize for both but since the recent news of Mark Zuckerberg donating $25 million to research for finding the cure of Ebola, I hope they find a way to cure or prevent the spread of Ebola.