The History of Flight Attendants

Original eight stewardesses with Model 80A. Courtesy the Boeing Company Archives

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my goal’s life is to be a professional Flight attendant. when i was 5 years old, I always think to work in the airplane because is very fun and interesting for me because in this job have to get a good communication with the passengers, give good service to them and help them in anything they need it. then, at the age of 17 I came from my country to United State to get opportunities to win my career profession. now Mountain View High School give me the opportunity to graduate from high school and continue with my career profession.


My career dream have relate with World History because this career started after world war 1 and between of the world war 2. Also, the first person that started to work to the flight attendants was a male called Heinrich Kubis in 1912. in addition this have relate with geography maps because the flight attendants began as soon as passenger air travel began in the 1920’s from all the world. Air travel in the 60s and 70s was a more restful and comfortable experience, according to passengers who would don their formal wear and enjoy endless leg room and service from attractive flight attendants.

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This video is very interesting because she have 60 years as a Flight attendant. she talked about how was her life in this career and she motived a lot of people like me to get a profession about what I want.