The Latinos vote is mostly on the side of the Democratic party in America. As you can see in the table below, Republicans mostly lost with the Latinos from 1980 to 2012. In 2012 President Obama won over Republican candidate Romney ;”Obama 71%; Romney 27%.” Throughout the years Hispanics have chosen the Democratic side because their platform is more friendly to immigrants and the working class. In 1996 Democrat Bill Clinton won the Hispanic vote; most of the Latino population are following the Democratic party. They usually pay close attention whenever a Democrat is providing a speech. In this 2016 election Republicans such as Donald Trump have been very threatening to the Hispanic population in America.
Latino Voters in the 2012 Election
The following states have the most Latino voters: New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, And Florida. These states are the most populated with Latinos. Also, the population of the Latinos is growing every single day across America. This mean that both the Democratic and Republican Party should treat well the needs of Latino American people. They are the future of this country.
When Democratic and Republic Parties compete with each other, the Republicans know they cannot win with the Latinos. President George Bush did a good job of getting Latino votes as a Republican but the results in Florida in the election of 2000 needed to be decided by the Supreme Court because they were so close. The Democratic Party has been more humane to immigrants and minorities in recent years. Under the leadership of President Obama they are more generous with Latinos. The Republicans look like if they hate Latinos because of statements made by candidates about building a wall along the border to keep them out.

The Latinos hope at least to have a better chance in this country, and they see the Democratic Party as the best option for their vote. In this time Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are two of the Democratic Party candidates. I think both could be good Presidents to help Spanish people. On other hand, Donald Trump is talking bullshit about Latinos and he is talking about a wall in Mexico and USA border. He is talking about deportation without thinking that many immigrants do not have at least a shelter to live. He does not know how hard life is in Latin countries because he lives as a rich and arrogant man. Latin America needs help! If the USA that is its closest neighbor does not help then this means that both the USA and Latin America will be worse off.
What do you think? Who will the Latino majority vote for in 2016?

Jchavez92 • Feb 23, 2016 at 2:46 pm
For the most part this article has a point for many years a lot of the Latino vote has in deed been for the Democratic Party. Mainly because they take the average joes opinion and work off of it the Democratic Party always has something helpful for Spanish immigrants