People don’t agree with what Mr.President is saying about banning people from Muslim countries. I saw a nice example of this when people protested at airports. As a migrant from Iraq myself I reached out to a Kurdish family who was turned around in Egypt at the airport. They were banned to come to United States of America. Last week one member of that family called me to tell me they are now coming to USA. They were so thankful because now they live safely in America. They are settling in Nashville, Tennessee.
Tennessee Senator Jim Cooper helped to protect them and this makes me grateful. This shows that our government is more than just one man. This senator who welcomed them in the state of Tennessee saved the lives of this refugee family. I believe that we are standing for each other . We do not need to listen to the words of a President if he does not speak for the rights of the people. We are human and we need each other to teach each other the cultures of the world. This is how we build a culture of peace for the world.
This is a video of the “welcome home” greeting by crowds at the Nashville airport. Go to the 5 minute mark to see the crowds cheer the family’s arrival.
Bentley • Feb 15, 2017 at 2:47 pm
I agree about building a peaceful world and teach all different cultures and that we all are humans and that we all deserved a opportunities.