On January 18th, Deisy Garcia and her two young daughters, Daniela(2) and Yoselin(1) were stabbed to death by husband. Garcia’s husband was arrested as he tried to flee from US to Mexico and was charged with first degree murder. Garcia’s fearful cry for help on this case of domestic-abuse report was never translated from Spanish to English for review and possible action. To make matters worse, back in May Garcia had filed a previous police report that was also never translated to English. Garcia feared for the lives of her daughters and her own. Had the reports been translated for further review, these three lives could have been spared.
He is charged with first-degree murder, second-degree murder and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon. Mejia-Ramos faces life in prison without the possibility of parole if convicted on the murder charge, the district attorney’s office said.
more on this story: http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/19/us/new-york-domestic-killing-warnings/index.html?hpt=ju_c2
Unfortunately, as mentioned in the article, this case is not unique. A group of six Latina women have a lawsuit pending against their city for cases similar to Deisy’s. I believe that imediate action needs to be taken so cases like this and others come to an end. There is no reason for these reports to be ignored and put away.