Canada “The Great White North” has always been a land of mystery. Scientists have new study that Canada will lose 70 percent of its ice; meaning glaciers, as a result of the global warming by the end of the century. Scientists are using computer models to study and predict how that Earth’s temperatures will affect Canada, but those glaciers that are on the Rockies Regions will survive.
Clarke is the lead author on the paper “Projected deglaciation of Western Canada in the twenty-first century.”Clarke stressed that human beings must burn less carbon for fuel. He said that we are not past the point where changing our behavior will improve our atmosphere. The melting of these glaciers could probably change an entire ecosystem because The Canadian Rockies are home to about 17,000 glaciers. Even if the glaciers are gone there will be a lot of fresh water and it could be a change for a new place for animals to live in terms of salmon productivity. “The glaciers are responding to climate,” he said. “They don’t have a response to weather.”
I do not know why humans are so selfish that they only think of their benefits in the present moment and not on the larger negative affect they are having on the natural environment. Most people think only about now and not about the future. As Clarke said “We don’t have a lot of time to get there.” The problem is that people don’t like negative news so they don’t listen and then they act on solutions too late.
There is some hope. President Barack Obama outlined the Climate Action Plan. They are taking actions to combat the climate change cutting carbon pollution and now this plan is international. The U.S. has decreased the use of carbon exhaust gases and increased the use of renewable energy.
Someday, our children, and our children’s children, will look at us in the eye and they’ll ask us, did we do all that we could when we had the chance to deal with this problem and leave them a cleaner, safe, more stable world?” – President Barack Obama, June 25, 2013
The U.S. Department of Interior is sending dangerous message about how the glaciers in this country are melting as a Montana’s glacier National Park are melting really fast.
At the U.S. Department of the Interior, we manage one-fifth of the land in the country, 35,000 miles of coastline, and 1.76 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf. We also uphold the federal government’s trust of responsibilities to 562 Indian tribes; conserve fish, wildlife and their habitats; manage water supplies for more than 30 million people; and protect the icons of our national heritage.
This organization UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) is trying to help with climate change in the world. They are building green houses around the world but at some point they concentrate in those area that need help right away.
” The interaction between biodiversity, climate change and protected areas are the focus of this issue of Our Planet. Protected areas are important carbon storage facilities, so their maintenance and expansion is a key contributor to mitigating climate change. Protected areas also supply many essentials required to sustain humankind. By protecting biodiversity, we also protect ourselves.”