This is not the first time statehood for our nations capital has been discussed, but is not a simple process. The topic was brought back up recently, by the District’s Mayor, Muriel Bowser who stated a need for a “new path” for her city, and that the Residents of Washington D.C. deserve full democracy and statehood. Mayor Bowser mentioned a few things that have been going better for the District in recent years; in the D.C. school systems, test scores are rapidly rising in comparison to other areas, and teacher and student satisfaction is at at an all-time high. As well as the schools, the District has also been working towards reforms in their police department.
Although Mayor Muriel Bowser did share plenty of positive things about Washington’s current state of being, and expressed the fact that she and many citizens would like for the district to eventually become a state, she failed to answer some rather important questions. When reading the article, it felt rather incomplete. At the end of it I was still left wondering, why Washington DC deserves to be a state, and how would this change be beneficial to the district and our country as a whole.
To me, it seemed like Mayor Bowser doesn’t have much to say besides repeating that “We want to be a state”. But most importantly, there was no talk of whether or not the district would even meet the requirements stated by Article IV (of the Constitution), which defines the processes taken to become a state in this country.I am not at all opposed to the idea of Washington D.C. being a state, but from the looks of the article I am responding to, they aren’t ready yet. In my opinion, the district’s Mayor should have kept quiet about that topic until she could answer the questions I asked earlier in this paragraph. Personally, I like the fact that our nation’s capitol is it’s own thing, as apposed to part of the whole. To me it signifies the importance of the city of Washington and what goes on within it.