When removing DACA, are we also removing the morals of Amercia?

President Donald Trump recently finalizes decision to revoke DACA

When removing DACA, are we also removing the morals of Amercia?

On Tuesday, September 5th, Trump and his administration announced that they are going to end the DACA program. This decision has shifted focus within the government to America’s laws of immigration, and has induced a sense of fear and panic for many immigrants in America.

DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and is a law that was established by Obama and his administration in June of 2012. DACA was passed to protect and give temporary citizenship to undocumented immigrants who came into America as children.This is because as a child, when your family comes to America illegally, you are forced to go with them and you don’t really have a choice. Because of this Obama felt that it was unfair to condemn these people for something they have little to no control over. In order to be eligible for DACA, an immigrant had to have entered the country before the age of 16, lived in the U.S. since 2007, and has no record of criminal history. Under the DACA program, an immigrant gains temporary citizenship and can, get a valid drivers license, enroll into college, secure jobs, and legally pay income taxes. An applicant for DACA has to renew their membership every two years and has to go through the same original process and still meet all of the requirements. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is a revised plan to the DREAM act that was originally proposed by Obama but denied by congress. The DREAM act was a program that allowed immigrants, that met certain requirements, to gain citizenship though enlisting in the military or attending college. Obama’s goal in attempting to initiate these programs was to provide a future for immigrants so they can live the American Dream and it was said that they were, “Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children” (Janet Napolitano, 2012). When congress passed DACA, it was a very large step for America, as far as immigration reforms, and promised a hopeful future for over 800,000 immigrants.

President Trump has now used his executive authority to end the program, after which many people posed the question, what does that mean for the people currently enrolled. As of right now, there are no more applications being accepted into DACA, but the current members are still safe for the next six months. Under Trumps new rule, a member of DACA whose permit expires before March 5th, 2018 can still continue to be a DACA member until expiration. Throughout most of his campaign, Donald Trump promised to do away with Obama’s DACA program as soon as he got into office. However, in his short time being president, he has changed his mind and decided to take a more sympathetic approach to the situation saying, “DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me, I will tell you. To me, it’s one of the most difficult subjects I have because you have these incredible kids… We’re gonna deal with DACA with heart” but he still decided to remove the program. Both immigrants affected by DACA and American citizens with sympathy, have gone into an uproar about trumps decision. There have been many protests and public speeches all over the country. These people who oppose trumps decision feel as though the immigrants are young people who are just trying to making a living and a promising future for themselves; they were promised that opportunity and to take it away is just heartless. Trump is also receiving criticism from his own supporters because they are upset at the fact that he switch up his stance on the immigration reform and is not staying true to what he said during his campaign. In response to people accusing Trump of putting thousands of immigrants at risk of deportation, Trump said that he isn’t just flat out ending DACA, he is giving congress the opportunity to fix it. So basically, instead of keeping DACA or coming up with his own reform to replace it, Trump has decided to force congress’s hand at creating a reform that replaces DACA. The problem with this is that congress may not be able to solve the issue in six months or the plan they come up with may not provide the same security and protect that DACA did, either way, thousands of immigrants are at risk of being deported.


The media presents immigrants in a very negative light that makes them seem like delinquents and people detrimental to our society. They say that they are taking away American Jobs, resources, and basic liberties that should only be afforded to Americans. I strongly disagree with this way of thinking that many Americans have because it is inaccurate, unfair, and often said about people that they have never met nor interacted with. Many immigrants are hard working people who want to make a better living for themselves, which is the premise of what America was founded on. Rather than taking away jobs, a lot of immigrants enhance the economy by providing more labor in the work force and doing jobs that otherwise would not be done as efficiently. Often in a lot of situations, you wouldn’t even know that a coworker or a best friend was an immigrant. So, if this is the case how can we really say harsh things about these people.

I am a strong supporter of DACA and so is the community around me. For example in Georgia,

This is one of the Instagram posts from the Gwinnett County students attempting to make a change.

Gwinnett County students are taking the initiative to make a change in their community by organizing a peaceful protest in the heart of their town. Their goal is, “To make our county’s school board release a statement that they support their students, documented or not.” Even though to some this may seem like a small movement that wouldn’t make much of a change, it is a huge step in showing the unity of citizens and sticking up for those around us.

DACA is a very important topic about morals, citizenship, and rights. It can be considered a water shed moment for many people to decide how they stand on immigration and whether or not they support the deportation of many people who have paved their own way in our society. If you are interested in speaking out for DACA or seeing other people’s opinions, as well as finding out what part you can take in showing support, visit these links:

Public Forums About DACA

Ways to show support for DACA








