Did you know World Book Night was founded in Barcelona? They celebrate an annual holiday for them called San Jordi Day where there is dancing, music, and wonderful food. The woman receive roses and a men receive a book, traditionally. World Book Night was established a little more universally in 2010 when The Founder Carl Lennertz and the Sponsor Amy Poehler teamed up to form International World Book Night celebrated on April 23rd. The word didn’t begin to truly spread until year 2012. People came together to give books to those who don’t read often or don’t get the opportunity to engage as well as others.
World Book Night is not something that happens all year round, it’s just a celebration on April 23rd and April 23rd only; like Christmas or Halloween but instead of receiving toys or candy, we get books. It’s a lifelong connection with something to believe in. This program brings joy to both the adults and students involved. There were several different educators, authors, publishers, book sellers, librarians, agents, and just typical regular readers involved. They want to provide books for kids who don’t normally read. This is a non profit organization so anyone who volunteers is doing it strictly out of the goodness of their hearts. Getting involved yourself isn’t hard, visit the website http://www.us.worldbooknight.org .
There were a few students from Oaktan High School on the staff of World Book Night that visited Mountain View Alternative High School ; Sarah, Isabella, and Asli. Out of sixty books the young women chose 3; Same Difference, Wild, and The Dog Stars. These ladies picked these books because they felt the books could create connections with the with kids and thought for non readers the a books would create a love and passion for reading. I asked these young women a few questions to get a better understanding of their view on World Book Night.
(Q) There are several reasons to why World Book Night is important, but why is it important to you?
(A) Because we’re able to provide books that kids who don’t usually read, we give them opportunity to engage.
(Q) How long have you been involved?
(A) We began our research and joined into the group this year.
(Q) Also how did you find out about World Book Night and what made you want to be involved?
(A) Our teacher was the one who informed us of the program, so we began to do our own research and that’s when we decided that it would be a privilege to get involved with World Book Night.
(Q) What can/ would you like to say to make other want to be involved?
(A) It’s a great experience because we pick books that we feel can relate to the kids that we’re providing to these kids because we want them to engage into the books so they’ll be encouraged to read more.
I asked the ladies if they had any additional comments that they would like to provide so I could understand the program a little more.
They said,“They email us where we need to meet to pick up the books, and it’s easier to sign up by the month of September. It’s worth it, every second we spend giving these books to kids that will enjoy it, is another second someone is going to become a regular reader and stimulate minds.”