On Sunday, Colombian police took hold of 8.8 tons of cocaine along the border with Panama and Colombia. The seizure cocaine value is an estimated about $240 million. The drugs were discovered in an underground hideaway on a banana plantation in the municipality of Turbo. Three people were arrested in the operation. This is the biggest single seizure of Cocaine the Colombian government has ever had.
The United States has offered a $5 million reward for the capture of the drug gang’s leader, Pablo Escobar. Colombia produces 487 tons of cocaine according to the United Nations. Colombian authorities seized 278 tons of narcotics last year. Seizures of that size are rare. In March 2007, the US Coast Guard seized nearly 20 tons of cocaine found on a cargo ship-the Gatun – headed from the Panama Canal to the Mexican port of Topolobampo. In 2001, the Colombian Coast Guard found 13 tons of cocaine aboard on a fishing boat off the Mexican coast because it had no working fishing equipment.
For more on how the United States Coast Guard and the Us Navy works with Colombia in limiting drug trade click here: http://coastguard.dodlive.mil/tag/colombia/
More than 2,000 officers were involved in the search, police said as they announced the operation last month. It was a major victory in a high profile-battle they’ve been waging for more than a year against the Colombian crime syndicate. This seizure will have a positive effect as it was for a good cause. This way other criminals engaged in similar crimes will get a warning as well. Hopefully the rate of drug selling will decrease.
for more information click here.

ItsBetterThisWay • May 24, 2016 at 12:55 pm
you said “The United States has offered a $5 million reward for the capture of the drug gang’s leader, Pablo Escobar.” but Pablo Escobar has been dead since 1993.
Jchavez92 • May 19, 2016 at 1:33 pm
This is a interesting article mainly because of the amount of narcotics that were found and the value it held. I believe sometimes the government can be corrupt and actually be the ones helping ship goods like that on a low key type of deal.