In June of 2015, a tragic massacre happened in Charleston, South Carolina at a well-known historical church where nine African Americans were brutally shot and murdered by Dlyann Roof. His seemingly deliberate actions led him to be convicted of 33 federal charges, including hate crimes and obstruction of the practice of religion, which can lead to the death penalty for the self-avowed white supremacist. The jury of nine white people and three black people deliberated less than two hours before returning a verdict; finding him guilty on all counts against him. The same jury is set to return January 3rd to consider whether Roof should be sentenced to die for the June 2015 attack at Emanuel AME Church. He is also set to face another death penalty trial in state court early next of next year.

It is known that throughout American history there has always been racial-hate. The tragic divide between white people and African Americans echoes from the days of slavery, but I ask myself why? Its 2016 now and I would’ve assumed that racism would have been long gone by now considering we don’t have the same mentality as the people in American history did. I believe that Roof deserves the penalties he will be under-going for this hate crime. I also do believe that Roof should be evaluated and examined by doctors so they can determine whether or not he is clinically insane. Having hate towards a certain ethnicity or group is troubling enough, but going out of your way to viciously shoot and kill nine black lives out of hatred is bottom-line insanity. Unfortunately this particular act was predetermined and deliberate in that Dylann Roof chose to enter this church under the disguise of peaceful intent and in the middle of a Bible study he acted out of hate. Drastic measures of punishment should be placed on hate crimes but remember that the punishment is not the solution to the problem.
Dylann Roof’s motivation: it’s all there in his racist manifesto
RonalGalan • Feb 1, 2017 at 4:25 pm
I’m glad he didn’t get away with this because he tore up so many families and killed so many innocent people. He deserves the punishment he’s getting.