On August 29th 2014 scientists discovered evidence that the experimental Ebola drug may be effective for treating victims diseases. A study of 18 macaque monkey published in a magazine of science said that a drug saved 100% of animals that were infected with Ebola. Although some of the did not receive the drug at the exact moment of Ebola infection they still were saved.
Some scientists are not sure how this drug will affect the human body. The drug; called ZMapp, is a combination of proteins named antibodies. They strengthen the immune the system. It basically makes an effect to fight the infection. In this case, the antibodies against Ebola were created in the laboratory and produced using of tobacco plants.
This drug has already been used on victims of the current Ebola disease in West Africa. Three American missionary doctors are recovering in the United States from the disease. Doctores are worried about the role of what this drug plays on humans since two Ebola victims who received ZMapp, including a Spanish priest and a Liberian doctor, died. The drug may work on some people and have an affect on them, but not all of them have the same luck.
I really believe that when God decides who dies and who stays nothing not even medicine can help it. Since I am a religious person, I believe that the word of God is taking action on humanity already. Because we are rebels, we have to pay for all our sins and diseases are the start of our punishment. What do you think? Can science and the money of rich governments like the United States save us or is this suffering disease a part of God’s plan for humanity?
TheQueen54 • Sep 19, 2014 at 2:42 pm
Ahhhhh….Religion. I’m a former Christian. I respect your beliefs. But this whole notion is just as messed up as Deuteronomy 12:6. This is a passage in the bible that talks about sacrificing your first born child. Bet they didn’t preach about that at your Sunday sermons. From a “Christian perspective” I think it would’ve made more sense to say that Satan inflicted the illness on to them instead of God. Because I mean, there’s just no way that a just God would inflict such pain onto the innocent. Especially when he asks for your first born. Ignorance truly is a bliss.
Good job on expressing your opinion though.
PLUR • Sep 18, 2014 at 2:00 pm
I’m not religious but the thought of someone causing death as an act of punishment doesn’t quite fit the works of it. The vaccine effects vary depending on how the genes respond to it so I wouldn’t exactly say that it’s “God” punishing humans for our actions.
ARALE. • Sep 15, 2014 at 9:44 pm
Honestly, I am not a religion person, but I believe that it is really painful for everyone to see incorrect people are dying because of the disease.
juknowit • Sep 15, 2014 at 2:37 pm
Personally, I am not religious at all, so you’re theory of God causing Ebola as a punishment for our sins isn’t really my forte. Ebola is a virus, which means that virus has been around for thousands, if not millions of years, I think viruses are made of nucleic acid, thus, the cell that it is has been around for a while, even before man. But you’re right, the drug ZMapp probably has a different effect on each person. Just like how benadryl makes some people drowsy and some people hyper. Hopefully this Ebola outbreak doesn’t come to this hemisphere.