Is Nuclear War Coming?

North Korea had been testing missiles and nukes. They started testing in January of 2017 they have tested some of the biggest missiles. Despite failures at the very first attempts on the missiles, North Korea have recent success on some of their new missiles. Should the U.S worry about it or should the world concert about this problem.
We are not exactly sure what North Korea is planning with the missiles. I believe the world should meet about it and make them stop. Technology is a big thing nowadays and we all know the impact that has in military forces. Nuclear war could be a real possibility. Can we all imagine a nuclear war, destroying our planet and destroying entire countries? Nuclear weapons are so powerful.
Here is some information about the missiles North Korea has launched and tested. The Intercontinental ballistic missile is said to have a potential range of more than 6,200 miles. A 100 kiloton H-Bomb would approximately kill around 130,000 people and all brick and concrete building within a mile will be destroy.
The United States has been on alarmed over the past months over being threatened because of Kim Jong-un’s words. President Donald Trump has said that the United States military forces are locked and loaded to fire up. North Korea’s nuclear activity is a serious problem for international peace and security.
Jurai Ando • Oct 16, 2017 at 9:15 am
the things that we create is also the the thing that we use to destroy ourselves and i think that they should stop doing these kind of thing and try to be more diplomatic, resolve thing without using violence because violence only generates more violence.
Kiyarash Rooholfada • Sep 18, 2017 at 9:24 am
Where we are going? This is destroying human being… World is a tree , and humans are the Foliage of tree, but, now it’s like all of us are like enemies to each other, and everyone wants to fight to you. We have to find a way out of this nonsense problems. We born to build not to devastate.
GreenPheonix • Sep 13, 2017 at 9:26 am
I really like that you chose to do this topic because I think it is very relevant and something our country should be focused on. I found it interesting how you said that the world should come together and stop them because, although I agree with you, I think it will be hard for some parts of the world to agree to come together to complete a task. I am interested to see what happens with this situation and what you think.
zumie15 • Sep 13, 2017 at 9:20 am
In my opinion I believe that if Trump never ran for president and won maybe we would’ve never even talked about nuclear war. Its something low that our president is ruining our country by making big mistakes.