Migrant Caravan

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Central American migrants traveling in the caravan that has prompted angry tweets from President Trump arrived at a border crossing near San Diego last month depleted in number but defiant about their right to request asylum.

In past years, such caravans have called attention to the plight of migrants on a dangerous journey, but they often traveled in obscurity. This year, conservative media in the United States seized on the caravan as a sign of out-of-control immigration, and Trump fanned the flames with tweets again.


Immigrants are traveling to United States because they are afraid to what comes next. They leave their families in their countries because they are coming to get a better life for their kids, and also they don’t want to come back because they have a lot of violence in their countries. The government don’t want to help them. The Central American governments basically do not have any power over their citizens, the politics in their countries don’t show any solution to the problems with gangsters. Immigrants are looking for asylum in the United States. Some of the citizens of the USA are happy to bring their hand to others because they know that “Today for you, and tomorrow for me”, they just want to help their friend, they just want to do the right. But for the other way, citizens of the USA don’t want more immigrants in their country. They avoid the idea of help immigrants. They just follow the same way like the President Donald Trump. He is mad with immigrants, he don’t want to help them because he said that immigrants are the worse people. He think that all of the immigrants are gangsters, but let me tell you something, “Just because one or two people of their country are gangster and killed, that doesn’t means  that the rest of the citizens are equal.” Most of the immigrants are hard workers and good citizens.

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On April 29, a group of 50 people, most of them families from Honduras and El Salvador attempted to enter the United States at the port of entry in San Ysidro, across the US-Mexico border from Tijuana. They’re the first delegation from a “caravan” of about 300 Central Americans that has traveled through Mexico over the past few weeks on the way to the United States, organized by the humanitarian nonprofit Pueblos sin Fronteras. The caravan members were initially prevented from entering the US because Customs and Border Protection agents told them they didn’t have the capacity to process them. As of May 1st, about a dozen have been allowed through; the rest are still waiting in Tijuana. None of this is all that unusual. People, most of them Central Americans, present themselves for asylum to border agents every day. It’s perfectly legal for someone without papers to go to a US port of entry and seek asylum by showing they meet the legal definition: that they would be the victims of persecution based on their race, nationality, religion, political views, or membership in a targeted social group if returned to their home country.