My Winter Break

A question you might be wondering is, how was my winter break?
Well, my winter break was not so bad, but in reality it was enjoyable and fun this year. For once there was no drama and no fights, like all the other years. My life consists of family members arguing, being rude, and not supportive, but this year it was magical. For a change, we all got along and we did things together, like play games.
On Christmas Eve my son, my boyfriend, and I went to my dad’s house to spend time with them. Because just like every Hispanic family, Christmas Eve is like Christmas to us, so we decided to go there and have family bonding time. It was so much fun! I thought it was going to be a mess, but it was amazing; I saw many smiles and heard so many laughters. My experience this year has to be the best year ever! I think I wouldn’t want to change anything from it.
So briefly tell me how your Winter break was?
pollita12 • Apr 3, 2018 at 8:56 am
My Christmas is very different from yours. I don’t really like Christmas because I miss my grandmother she is everything to me. Christmas in United State is very different from El Salvador. last Christmas I didn’t do anything because I was crying all the entire day and night,
I don’t like Christmas.
cupcake • Jan 22, 2018 at 10:47 am
My Christmas is different because we are very Hispanic for holidays compared to people here in the U.S., I always have a very Hispanic Christmas. We have Spanish food, we open our gifts right at 12 am. We also make baby Jesus born by giving it kisses and writing down cards of our best wishes for the new year coming. But it’s a very fun time of year and I can relate to enjoying my winter time too!
rosewater • Jan 9, 2018 at 10:14 am
aw that is really nice!