Ocean Life between Us.

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Los oceanos son pieza fundamental para la supervivencia en la tierra, son fuente clave de nutrientes, energía renobable, y minerales. Mas de el 75% de nuestro planeta tierra esta compuesto por agua (oceanos); ademas, es el promotor de el 50% de oxigeno para la vida terrestre y casi el 80% de los seres vivos se encuentran en el oceano.


Governments and citizens have the obligation to keep our ecosystem healthy. Oceans need a bit more of our attention; in addition, without ocean life, human life would end. Governments today are trying to convince more people to feel the same love of helping others, including our wild life.

Los gobiernos algunas veces no ayudan a conservar nuestro ecosistema, no los ayudan a conservar su misma especie, y en otro punto de vista esto terminara con destruir todo lo bueno que la naturaleza nos esta proporcionando. La vida en el oceano es mas que solo animales que nos ayudan a no morir de hambre, su ecosistema esta basado en belleza e inteligencia, aunque algunas personas tengan otra opinion eso no cambia lo que tu pienses. Los gobiernos explotan los recursos que la naturaleza nos provee, e incluso hacen cosas innecesarias para su entretenimiento.

We have the control to change our bad values and replace them for new ones. You can work in teams that help to conserve our ecosystem, and help it to grow again. Media is always present covering every natural disaster and our ecosystem do not have a type of meter to show us or a voice to tell us if we are doing good or bad, that is why is important that the media is always there at the exact moment when there is something happening with our ecosystem. Oceans and animals can’t talk to us, they can’t tell us if we are making good or bad decisions, but they can act and show us how they feel by hitting us with destruction, such as a big storm, earthquakes, tornadoes, and more  that our planet has to show us.

Now you have your own opinion about how the government is related to our life and our wild life. Try to do something good every day and think better about every single life that is on the same planet as you.

Oceans; Windows to the Universe