Some of the worst problems develop over time and take a long time to fix. Flint Michigan has been without clean water since April 2014. Unfortunately their water has been contaminated and as a result of it many people have became ill. It is said that most of the water that is contaminated is filled with lead. Obama had promised to come up with a solution while in office but failed doing so. This crisis doesn’t have an overnight solution. In time Flint will soon have clean drinking water. Both parties need to work together instead of pointing fingers as to whose to blame. President Obama promised to replace the old and rusty pipes. As a temporary solution they are funding for bottles of water.
The political parties are blaming one another instead of focusing on the solution to this complicated problem. Despite President Trump’s new Budget proposal cutting funds to the EPA by 31%, Flint has recently been granted $100 million from an action taken by President Obama and Congress before he left office. Unfortunately it will take more than just money to fix this problem. Political cooperation from both sides is necessary.
Thousands of Flint’s residents (mainly poor and black) have been exposed to lead and other pollutants in their drinking water. In April 2014, the Government of Michigan -Richard Snyder as governor from the Republican party- switched the main city’s water source from the Detroit Water and Sewage Department (sourced from lake Huron and Detroit river) to Flint River. The main reason was that Flint city terminates its water service contract with the city of Detroit and in order to reduce cost the city had a project to build a new pipeline to deliver water from Lake Huron to Flint. But as the construction of the pipeline delays, the water source switch to the Flint River. A very contaminated river that in the pass was a repository for industrial waste. Since 2014, the corrosive water from the Flint River leached the lead from the old water pipes, mixing in the water supply and producing extremely high levels of lead. According with a scientific analysis in 2015, Flint River water has 10 times more lead compared to the same condition using Detroit water (Edwards et al 2015). Since 2014, Flint River consumption is creating a public health threat, specially for vulnerable populations such as children. On February 2015, a Flint resident contacted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the extremely high levels of lead in her water, the EPA told water personnel that a corrosion program should be in place and in June the same year, EPA confirms “High Lead Levels in Flint, Michigan.” In September, a Doctor from Hurley Hospital finds very high lead levels in children. In order to face the crisis, in 2015, the Governor created the Flint Water Advisory Task Force to review state and in December 14, 2015 Flint declares a state of emergency. In January 2016 as a form of protest, a crowd of 150 protesters circled through the hallways of the Michigan state capitol, toting jugs of dirty water and calling for action on a drinking water crisis. During 2015 protests and lawsuits against the city were carried out from activists and clergy groups. After the dismission of the cases, in April 2016, 514 residents file class actions. The plaintiffs allege negligence and demand more than $220 million in damages for the EPA’s role in the water crisis. The same year, as a environmental justice platform Flint activists announce the formation of a new initiative, the Community Development Organization. Created in response to the water crisis, this organisation assist and share information with those effected by the Flint River water switch. As a temporary action water filters, bottled water and at-home water test kits are being provided to Flint residents. Four government officials, gave up due to their mismanagement of the water crisis, and Snyder issued an apology to citizens while promising money to Flint residents for medical care and infrastructure improvement. The long-term health effects of that poisoning may not be fully understood for years.
The Republicans are blaming the local democrats who have been governing the city of Flint which is near Detroit and this may have caused some voters to go for Trump in the 2016 election. President Trump won Michigan by only 0.3%.
We have a special problem in the United States, which is that the Democratic party is more of a crime syndicate than a political party.
Democrats are trying to hold President Trump accountable to his promises and so far are disappointed with the lack of action. In his campaign he promised tax credits to private industry that agreed to help rebuild America’s cities.
Members of Michigan’s congressional delegation were seeking answers from the White House after the Trump administration ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to halt awarding new contracts or grants, raising concerns the move could endanger federal aid to Flint. – Detroit News Jan. 2017
Flint is still without clean water and its disappointing to me. I would’ve thought it would’ve been solved by now. Instead of the Trump foundation talking about fake news they need to look at the real problems that’s going on in America. Flint was a problem since Obama was in office. The majority flint voted republican to see if there would be a change.
English: A poster for drinking water security from the EPA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here is a sample of what the people of Flint are saying. It is a daily crisis that must be solved with action and not partisanship. The story of Flint is story of the failure of the government to provide for the “general welfare” of the people. In America problems happen. What matters most? When we face problems we must choose to become part of the solution. In this case party politics is becoming a greater part of the problem.
I think that it is most important that they should solve this problem the fastest as they can because if not there were going to be a lot people that will get sick because of the water that is contaminated. The government needs to protect its citizens from harm.
Ddtnc • Mar 22, 2017 at 2:38 pm
I think that it is most important that they should solve this problem the fastest as they can because if not there were going to be a lot people that will get sick because of the water that is contaminated. The government needs to protect its citizens from harm.