Prostitution: The practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.
Prostitution is considered a serious world wide issue in most of the countries around the world. Also, the number of prostitution is increasing fast each year and seems to be more serious than the past centuries. I feel like prostitution comes from how the women or men have been raised, Many have been sexually assaulted or raped. Prostitution can also come from addiction and can lead to death.
This article explains to us that two women face prostitution and drug charges after they were arrested Thursday night. Police officers also found crack pipes with drug residue on them in the women’s possession.
Those who want out should always be granted the opportunity to leave. Addiction treatment center helps young and older adults to a better lifestyle. It focuses on recovery from injury and adversity. Prostitution can result in a very volatile way of life for many people. Some circumstances can even lead to mortal danger. But here’s a solution just by clicking on the link below and you or anyone in danger. people who have little to no respect for prostitutes and may severely mistreat them need to know prostitution aren’t “bad” people, they just need help to get through their addictions, past nightmares. the sex industry can cause or enhance mental illness, substance abuse, addiction and disease. Counselors and rehabilitation professionals may be necessary to help the recovering prostitute regain their sense of self.
mystic16 • Sep 7, 2016 at 2:27 pm
Yes i understand how prostitution is illegal. i understand the dangers of it and how it can affect people so bad. But isnt it the peoples choice? didnt they choose to sell out their bodies for money? no one has forced people to make that choice. if this is the only way they make money, then why cant they clean themselves up and get a job? especially the legal people around here. they have no excuse to not have a real job. is it because of the sexual pleasure? there are other ways to make that happen without selling out your body. but as i said……. isnt it their choice to go down that road? didnt they choose to put themselves out there?
Adds21 • Sep 7, 2016 at 2:19 pm
This world has been taken over by prostitution is very upsetting that this happens so much. This article has very good points, people shouldn’t see this bad, because you never know what they’ve been through. instead of our negativity we should put words out there and help them out, give them advice’s. In other articles in the news there been cases about prostitution, most of the women are made to do it by force, they have been taken over about Gang Associates. is very upsetting like i said i hope that people can see things different and help the needed ones go through this “nightmares”.
GucciJefe • Sep 7, 2016 at 2:05 pm
For some of these women they have no other choice because some of them were born on the streets and these so called pimps are the ones who look out for them. Sadly these pimps like to physically abuse them. I honestly think prostitution is the wrong path to make money.