We live in a world dominated by entropy. This entropy (or disorder) is demonstrated everywhere: Wars, terrorism, lies, greed, theft, tyranny, corruption and a long list of other reprehensible acts are all manifestations of world-wide entropy. I bring this up because the concept of social entropy encompasses, and lucidly explains all calamities caused by man.
Consider this example: Whenever our rooms are messy and disorganized, we clean them up, and when our rooms return to that clean state, order is resurrected. Now, if you don’t bother cleaning your room, order declines. See the relationship? Order and time are inversely proportional, as time increases order decreases. Obviously if your rooms intact or you have very little interaction with it, yes, the decline of order is hindered, but its still gradually going toward disorder. Entropy is a law of nature that exists/functions everywhere in the universe.
So, apply our room analogy to reality. How do we maintain order in our world, do we keep our room clean? In the aforementioned paragraph, we see that order is obstructed in various ways. Institutions, like governments, were established by humans with the intent to maintain order. Since governments are overarching institutions, sub-institutions are generated to implement/perpetuate the governments (main institutions) beliefs into its inhabiting society. The institutions longevity is prolonged if the next generation supports it. To ensure such advocacy, these sub-institutions (mainly schools and media) influence individuals to give credence to the establishment.The current fixation of these institutions (power and control) is contrary to its original foundation (maintaining order, diplomacy, justice, etc). Logically, if a government is setting money and power as the highest priority, they are letting disorder rein supreme. In America this seems to be the case. Maintaining order and promoting peace should be the primary goal for all governments.
When disorder is unacknowledged, disasters occur and the structure of society decays. Its crucial that everyone is aware of this causality. On this planet, a wide array of volatile people exist. These types of individuals, collectively, pose a serious threat to our society. Crooked cops (for example) have killed/harm a plethora of innocent individuals in the past. Significant matters like this should receive more attention because ignored, these ordeals will proliferate. If more people did so, maybe victims like Micheal Brown would have never died.
Although unfortunate, microcosms similar to Micheal Browns murder exist everywhere. If cops were to face some kind of repercussion for unjustly killing innocent people, these types of ordeals would occur less frequently. Also know this specific causality, these Ferguson riots would have never occurred if Micheal Brown was never killed. Also, by taking action to end unnecessary violence, entropy is being counteracted.
wanakita • Oct 2, 2014 at 2:14 pm
I totally agree with this article, the government needs to pay attention to cases such as violence cases which is impacting society. The case of this one woman that was beaten by a police officer on the highway an was paid $1.5 billions. The Government is trying to block out these things by controlling it with money.
Nick07 • Oct 1, 2014 at 2:18 pm
Social Entropy is a very serious issue the government should take care of. If they do not make the people keep up with their so called “order’ then how could the society be good or wealthy. The Police Officials killing people should be addressed very seriously and order ties in with this. If Police Officials kept up with order and responsability none of this would happen. As i said before Social Entropy has to be taken care of and will be if enough effort and determination is put out.
nodrama • Oct 1, 2014 at 1:57 pm
I totally agree with this article, the government needs to pay attention to cases such as the michael Brown case which started a riot, with the purpose of seeking justice for the Brown’s family, but in reality they wanted a change within the system trying get across the point that there is crooked police officers currently active. There should be a different way to approach violence, instead of using military force to do so, the government contradicts it self, claiming they want the violence to stop and using military force as a technique to do so.. Violence makes violent people stop? i Believe it only makes things worse. We saw the special forces that the police had, and this had been a project the government has been working on for occasions such as the brown’s case. This should be an eye opening for citizens of the united states, and i predict this will only cause more violence on the future, because there will always be those who oppose this movement, resulting in possibly deaths and riot fights against the police forces and the citizens of the united states.
juknowit • Sep 30, 2014 at 10:18 am
An excellent article we have here! I agree social entropy happens almost always in our modern day society. The main priorities of governments around the world is money and power, which is really just greed. When you have constant social uprisings, and militant groups attacking other people, doesn’t that show that the real problem is the government? Our government, let alone other governments will never be perfect, but if we improved the flaws in our laws it could make all the difference and lead to peace among the people.