Last month an Indian man got shot to dead in Kansas. It was on Tuesday evening when this horrible tragedy occurred. The suspect walked into the bar and then he started yelling at the victims to get out of his country. After all this happened he started shooting and three people were hit. Two of them were from India and one was trying to help. One of the victims died.
This is a the worst discrimination story I have heard recently. Reading about all this makes me think that this country is getting worse just because of peoples uncontrolled emotions and fears of humans that don’t look the same color. I am so disappointed about this suspect because all he did was showing to the people that there are more people like him, who think that people who come from other countries for a better future should be treated so badly. These people in my opinion are very sick and they need help from experts. We all need to stop and think how it would be if we were in this type of situation.
I think this country should be united not divided. The division of this country brings more crimes and more difficulties for those people who came here for a better future. The government should do something before things get worse. More than the government I think citizens need to stand up and be positive to one another as we recognize that all people have human rights.
Here is an example of what it looks like when we stand united together instead of becoming fearfully divided.
GucciJefe • Mar 21, 2017 at 1:37 pm
I agree. we as a country need to work together instead of hating one another. This is so sad it makes me fear for my life since i am not american.